15-16th November Tutorial and the proposal is done... onto WACCA


  • Had a tutorial with Rebecca Davies - see notes about my framework on the mind map page
  • Worked towards finishing my MANS proposal
  • I caught up with Anna to get feedback on my MANS proposal


  • Revisited the lecture slides and my PMAG proposal from level 5 and reworked my MANS proposal to add more detail around timelines and the "How" behind the objectives.
  • Doing the proposal (And Nisha' Duggals Artist talk) has made me realise how my statements, images and proposals are all in different places, so I've started an inventory so I can just go and grab what I need as I need it - it's bare bones at the moment - I'll build it when I don't have imminent deadlines.
  • Went over my WACCA notes, looked at examples on teams, and started pulling into a proposal - I've lost a couple of days on this due to other commitments and the proposal taking a lot longer than anticipated - despite several attempts to draw a line under it and submit.
17th, 18th is a bit of a blur of snatched hours to work on WACCA between other commitments.  I'm happy with the artists I've chosen at this point and have a good handle on how the works I want to exhibit connect but I definitely need to manage my time well this week to pull it all together properly.
