21, 22, 23 November Draft exhibition proposal submitted, group crit, research and feedback

 Decided to explore Mother Tongue Magazine.

I have this on my insta feed but am now considering looking more closely for contextual reference; signposts to Maira Kalman who has just created a series of work around what women hold.  Subscribed properly and ordered a magazine (not available in the library).

This issue features an article about domesticity with Catherine Opie and another about hysteria as a gendered term.

Started listing my contextual and theoretical references; Carried out more research - see update on Framework notes dated 21.11.22

Tuesday 22 Crit re practice; Contextual and theoretical frameworks and how my artworks are read. 

Determined that I don't need to show all my research or a historical timeline to engage an audience in my work 

Established that I'm exploring a complex narrative; becoming a woman. I explained that I'm trying to make work that is authentic but relatable. It doesn't have to be a specific narrative of my own particular experience as long as an audience can relate from their own perspective. My intention is still to create works with my research in mind, and then select from them to create relationships between them. Other people in the group referred to work previous to this semester which made me consider how they would operate together;

How do these read together? 

Aysha liked the mossy colours of "Does grandma float?" ; Ian referenced age but explained that in 1600 an old woman wouldn't have had this appearance because of the average life expectancy - its a modern association that means she reads as a witch now.

Sketch of me as a child in the witches costume - Ian read uncertainty and apprehension in the expression /more fear than in the photograph. I am playing with the irony of a child dressing as something that has been feared by women historically which represents disempowerment. Fear of the inevitable. I like inevitable as a title.

Suggested actions: Watch Kiki's delivery service and The Witch. Boyhood 2014 

Watch Witchfinder (BBCiplayer) ✅   Interesting satire

 I'd seen this advertised and dismissed but Ian says evident that satire is based on thorough research.

Eliot suggested that grindylows were originally named grundylows. 

I'm interested in the word "Grundy"

Image from Christopher Fowler site

Led also to Tsonoqua -old woman in the woods who cries hoo hoo and eats children.

Ian made some really interesting comments about Eliot's work -Beautifully detailed pencil and charcoal drawings of politicians. 

  • I'm taking that and using it in a way that I choose; taking it to task. 
  • Shift in agency. 
  • Drawing things you don't like in a careful way; they become nuanced.

Elliot approaches them from a position of control; he has the ability to recreate it how he wants. 

Aysha suggested looking at Dybbuk boxes in connection with witch marks as they were also protective marks intended to keep evil inside. 

I'm interested in folk tales and superstition in a social context -but this is clearer after my WACCA Draft feedback 23.11.22 -in terms of what constructs are in place to mould who we become? 

These narratives, fears, beliefs, moral codes, control tools, all shape our culture and impact the individuals growing within them - all of which lead us to the present -which is complicated to unpick but has resulted in shared experiences - this is what I'm exploring.

  • All comments printed off and being worked on - I wasn't sure of the tone of the exhibition - if it was too negative. Reasurred by Ian "It can make us feel alive in that we're dealing with difficult subjects that make us aware.  Educational, good for wellbeing to learn and reflect."  Exhibition proposal is present and challenging -
  • Addressed some of the language and made suggestions of how to approach the title and intro.
  • Don't need to explain who artists are as proposal is to an informed audience
I'll look at contemporary art to see who I can bring in / if I need to edit out anyone - to help identify how I fit into contemporary discourse and make the exhibition appealing to a contemporary art audience.
