8th November; Professional Proposal pack
- Thought about how much I want to promote myself online;
- I don't want this to be the focus of my time or practice but I do want to get myself out there.
- Am aiming for a balance - Will aim to post to linked in and twitter once a month and to Insta every day or so.
- Words of Nisha Duggal in relation to promotion are sitting with me - think I need to do some.
- Linked my website to Linked in and Twitter and added some work.
My Website is pretty much done now - just need to check the images and some labels. Had a meeting with Anna and am working through feedback re what to include and layout.
Working on the rest of the professional proposal pack today and over the course of this week to finish - I have a framework to follow for the proposal but statement is done.
Checking online image descriptions against Proposal Pack
Had a wander through the level 5 exhibition on the way out of the studios....and then went to talk to Jenny about language and myths around HRT after seeing her work.
Really inteterested in how this is curated in the space -
particularly the height.
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