2nd November WACCA crit group, Art and research
WACCA Session- See: notes Speaking about curating an exhibition took me back to Kuhne Beveridge who I'd been really interested in on Foundation Fine Art.
The book of English magic - lent from Lauren in studio. See Research page.
Spoke to Jay in the studio - she was looking at the Mother Grundy print but saw a bed rather than a cave.
Spoke to Laura to discuss oil painting books - she made some really good recommendations and we compared visits to the Liverpool Tate.
Continued the face on the old lady to make it less comic like. I'm happier with it and think it may be finished. I'd like to varnish it to glaze the details but will aim to be patient and give the oils a significant drying time.
Testing mixed mediums on cat drypoint print and scanned and copied print.
Added gesso and oil to one print to see how it sits against the printed background and edges.
Kite mentioned that she'd like a cat, so I made a quick "cheap n cheerful " copy on the printer but really liked the tonal effects -gave the image a golden light hue - so played with it a bit adding a sausage colour and some line details.
Reading Understanding Contemporary Art - which has a section on TABA ??? How to approach it.
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