6 December - Studio time !

Watched some more of the History of Now with Simon Schama - really enjoying this. I'm more interested in history and social politics than ever now that I'm studying art. I feel this series is done in the same vein as Rebecca Solnit - but this focuses on the influence of artists in particular. 

 I'm keen to create art in response to current issues, and my practice does explore womanhood experiences now but keeping more informed about the detail of current news & affairs is needed.

Sooo good to be back I the studio painting. And I found something whilst I was looking for low odour thinners. I have some low odour white spirits but it still stinks so I was hoping the actual artist version was better but also found "Sansodor" It's brilliant.  

I wasn't going to paint over one of the pre paintings - because I was scared of loosing the rabbit skin canvas pre painting - but Laura W said it needed something (colour ..and actual paint layer) and my husband had said that the nose and cheeks were a little off (looked more like my sister as a child than me - which is who the image is ) so I went in with oil and Sansodor mix after testing it on some rabbit skin, prepped canvas's. There's no smell and it's much easier too blend and more forgiving to keep going than shite spirit.


I really like how this blends (and layers!). I got to a point where I couldn't do any more with it -felt slightly muddy) and I need to balance the nose and mouth still - The lips are a little small? and I lost the ability to detail so I need to go back when its dry - but it's drying suprisingly quickly so enthusiastic to go back to tomorrow - with a poppy seed oil mix.

Over all I'm pleased with the softness of the painting - I try to avoid harsh lines and I feel I paint shapes and tones more than lines - which can make the pre drawing and composition hard - because the shadows and tones can change how the face appears. Sometimes I'll make a correction when I don't need to - I need to change a shadow and it changes the shape - I'm working with this in mind.

I'ver left as much of the background sketch around the face as I can to keep a realistic face inside a "fictional" reality. 


   Some testing ahead of painting - I was concerned that it changed the colours and made them a bit lighter, but I think the next layer with an oil medium mix will address any concerns I have. 


Pretty sure that there are some small rag fibres in the canvas from wiping the first layer. these don't seem to be going anywhere now, so they're going to have to be part of the painting.

